TED-Ed Club

Sharing ideas that are worth sharing involves the dissemination of thoughts, concepts, or innovations that bring value, inspire, or contribute positively to individuals and communities. These ideas often include creativity, relevance, and practicality, resonating with a broad audience. Ideas can be from various fields such as science & technology, art, education, and social issues. The act of sharing such ideas not only fosters intellectual growth but also promotes collaboration and the collective pursuit of knowledge. In the inter-connected world, sharing ideas that have intrinsic worth catalyzes innovation, fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement. It encourages individuals to think critically, embrace diversity of thought, and contribute to the betterment of society.

Triyog TED-Ed Club is a registered club in the TED network that encourages students to explore and share their ideas in the form of short, TED-style talks. The club provides a platform for students to develop their public speaking, presentation, and critical thinking skills. The structure of the TED-Ed Club empowers students to identify and research topics they are passionate about, craft their talks, and present them in a supportive environment. 

At present more than 35 students from Grades VIII to X are members of this club. A club moderator and an executive committee of seven members execute the club activities. All the members of the club work on different topics in several areas. They go through 4 explorations in Discover, 6 in Develop and 3 in Share as the procedures of TED Talk preparation. The students prepare the final speech content with lots of research and improve it with the feedback of other club members, presenting their ideas in TED Talk events.